Go Vulnerability Database

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The Go vulnerability database (https://vuln.go.dev) serves Go vulnerability information in the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) schema.

You can also browse vulnerabilities in the database at pkg.go.dev/vuln.

Do not rely on the contents of the x/vulndb Git repository. The YAML files in that repository are maintained using an internal format that may change without warning.


We would love for all Go package maintainers to contribute information about public vulnerabilities in their own projects, and update existing information about vulnerabilities in their Go packages.

We aim to make reporting a low friction process, so feel free to send us your suggestions.

Please do not use the forms above to report a vulnerability in the Go standard library or sub-repositories. Instead, follow the process at go.dev/security/policy for vulnerabilities about the Go project.


The canonical Go vulnerability database, https://vuln.go.dev, is an HTTP server that can respond to GET requests for the endpoints specified below.

The endpoints have no query parameters, and no specific headers are required. Because of this, even a site serving from a fixed file system (including a file:// URL) can implement this API.

Each endpoint returns a JSON-encoded response, in either uncompressed (if requested as .json) or gzipped form (if requested as .json.gz).

The endpoints are:

Bulk download

To make it easier to download the entire Go vulnerability database, a zip file containing all the index and OSV files is available at vuln.go.dev/vulndb.zip.

Usage in govulncheck

By default, govulncheck uses the canonical Go vulnerability database at vuln.go.dev.

The command can be configured to contact a different vulnerability database using the -db flag,which accepts a vulnerability database URL with protocol http://, https://, or file://.

To work correctly with govulncheck, the vulnerability database specified must implement the API described above. The govulncheck command uses compressed “.json.gz” endpoints when reading from an http(s) source, and the “.json” endpoints when reading from a file source.

Legacy API

The canonical database contains some additional endpoints that are part of a legacy API. We plan to remove support for these endpoints soon. If you are relying on the legacy API and need additional time to migrate, please let us know.


Reports use the Open Source Vulnerability (OSV) schema. The Go vulnerability database assigns the following meanings to the fields:


The id field is a unique identifier for the vulnerability entry. It is a string of the format GO-<YEAR>-<ENTRYID>.


The affected field is a JSON array containing objects that describes the module versions that contain the vulnerability.


The affected[].package field is a JSON object identifying the affected module. The object has two required fields:


The affected[].ecosystem_specific field is a JSON object with additional information about the vulnerability, which is used by Go’s vulnerability detection tools.

For now, ecosystem specific will always be an object with a single field, imports.


The affected[].ecosystem_specific.imports field is a JSON array containing the packages and symbols affected by the vulnerability. Each object in the array will have these two fields:


The database_specific.url field is a string representing the fully-qualified URL of the Go vulnerability report, e.g, “https://pkg.golang.ir/vuln/GO-2023-1621".

For information on other fields in the schema, refer to the OSV spec.


All vulnerabilities in the Go vulnerability database use the OSV schema described above.

See the links below for examples of different Go vulnerabilities:

Excluded Reports

The reports in the Go vulnerability database are collected from different sources and curated by the Go Security team. We may come across a vulnerability advisory (for example, a CVE or GHSA) and choose to exclude it for a variety of reasons. In these cases, a minimal report will be created in the x/vulndb repository, under x/vulndb/data/excluded.

Reports may be excluded for these reasons:

At the moment, excluded reports are not served via vuln.go.dev API. However, if you have a specific use case and it would be helpful to have access to this information through the API, please let us know.